Google AdSense is a fast1548644182

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for webmasters to publish ads on their website and earn money by Cost Per Click based advertisement ads. The best thing about AdSense is that, it only shows the ads relevant to content of the page. These ads are displayed by another program by Google known as AdWords. But there are a lot of advertisers which joins the AdWords program just to increase their web traffic. So the ads of such these websites are very low in cost. These ads are called MFA (Made for AdSense). These websites does not have any informative content in them, these are single page websites and just shows a couple of Google ads in them and want to earn with it. So if a visitor of your website clicks on a MFA ad, you will got a very very low price for this ad and your visitor will not find any information on that ad¬タルs website. MFA site owners put a very very low bid and join AdWords program to publish their advertisement.These are not sites, they are just ads displayed on a single page, so they got more earning than they spent for advertisement. And you will got almost nothing for a click of MFA site. But there is an option in Google Adsense account that you can block any website to show its ads on your website.For example if your website is related to web designing then you can block to display its ads, because it is not relavent to your website¬タルs content. Similarly you can get a MFA website list and put them on your competitive filter list to block their ads. This can be done by logging in to your AdSense account and then on the Adsense setup page you will see a competitive Ad filter list. Just put the address of the site you want to block and save the list. Within 12 hours your website will stop showing the ads of your block list. Adding competitive ad filter list can improve your adsense earning and Click rate. Because relevant ads will show up only with high Cost Per Click. Using is very easy, and it can generate 50 black list urls for your website and 200 if you register with them. There is another method which is Google Adsense preview tool (available on google) , so you can check which ads will show up for your website. So this is another trick for you to increase your adsense earning very easily by adding a competitive ad filter list.


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