If you want to achieve lower CTR you can decrease cost per click for particular keywords or ad group, or second option is to write less relevat ads with weaker call to action This actions should decrease your CTR but if you drecrease you CTR . I can expect lower quality score and this will lead to higher CPC in general. ****************************************************** The Page CTR (Click Through Rate) in your Adsense report is the percentage of number of times an ad is clicked on your page, in relation to the number of times a page was shown to a visitor So, for instance, you have 100 pageviews on your website, and there are 2 ads clicked, then you have a CTR of 2% . Or, you have 50 pageviews, and 1 ad clicked. Or 200 pageviews, and 4 ads clicked. I think you see where this is going ;-) So, basically, the higher the number (CTR), the better, because it means you're ads are well clicked, and you are earning your money well. However… there's a but to thi...