If you want to achieve lower CTR you can decrease cost per click for particular keywords or ad group, or second option is to write less relevat ads with weaker call to action This actions should decrease your CTR but if you drecrease you CTR . I can expect lower quality score and this will lead to higher CPC in general. ****************************************************** The Page CTR (Click Through Rate) in your Adsense report is the percentage of number of times an ad is clicked on your page, in relation to the number of times a page was shown to a visitor So, for instance, you have 100 pageviews on your website, and there are 2 ads clicked, then you have a CTR of 2% . Or, you have 50 pageviews, and 1 ad clicked. Or 200 pageviews, and 4 ads clicked. I think you see where this is going ;-) So, basically, the higher the number (CTR), the better, because it means you're ads are well clicked, and you are earning your money well. However… there's a but to this story… If your CTR is unreasonably high in relation to your traffic for a certain period of time, Google will think this is suspicious, and might block your account! What the exact number of CTR is that is alarming them is hard to say, since it depends on a lot of factors. For instance, a site that receives 5 visitors a day, and has 3 clicks, has a 60% CTR, which is high, but with reasonable. If you have a 100.000 visitors a day site, and you have 60.000 clicks, that's unreasonably high, and shows there is most likely a problem. More info on Google Adsense stats: How to Understand What Your Google Adsense Report Means - Bjorn's Blog ****************************************************** You need to build an audience somehow Maybe try starting a YouTube channel ****************************************************** High impression is not but high ctr may be bad ****************************************************** I am blogger and i am running some blogs in different niche I have read so many blogs and heard that CTR ( Click Through Rate) 2% to 3% is good and 3.5 is maximum. But when I was checking my adsense account than i saw 8.49% and i was amazed & feel proud to see it. GUJARAT GOVERNMENT JOB - This is my today's site click through rate. Detergent Powder - Last month it was 5.35% ****************************************************** Yes, sir! full risk! google determine the CTR should not exceed 3–5% if it goes over then your account will be reviewed. i would suggest you use the traffic from a trusted supplier (when the CTR is high) example: Buy Adsense Traffic, Automated Your Adsense Earnings ****************************************************** It really depends, I have seen site with as high as 5–10% ctr which was legitimate traffic , but this is not normally the case However obviously high CTR raises suspicion so I'd certainly check if there's a possibility of false clicks (if a user clicks on an ad and then hits back this sends a notification to adsense), having too much of those can result in either getting banned on getting 2 clicks penalty (on mobile) where user has to actually click twice to be redirected to the landing page One more thing to look into is the possibility of bot traffic, it might be smart to consider captcha on site entry (if this is relevant) or a click bombing attack when a competitor is trying to get your account banned (you can actually report this to google if you suspect there's click bombing - Invalid Clicks Contact Form ) I'd also suggest reviewing Adsense on a per country basis , sometimes the issue is with some 3rd world country whose not bringing significant income and you can block it on the server level or CDN, check also for platform , might be your ads layout on mobile are not set in the right manner ****************************************************** RankBrain is a machine learning (AI) algorithm that Google uses to sort the search results It also helps Google process and understands search queries. Google asked Rankbrain to identify the best page for a given search and The RankBrain outperformed the best result for Google. CTR stands for click-through rate, it is a metric that measures the number of clicks advertisers receive on their ads per number of impressions. CTR is important to your account because it directly affects your Quality Score. It is most commonly used to measure the effectiveness of paid search, display and email marketing campaigns. Both RankBrain and CTR are very important in Digital Marketing especially for Search and Display Campaign. ****************************************************** What is the difference between page CTR and impression CTR? An impression CTR is the click through rate for individual ads Page CTR is the click-through rate for a whole page - this includes all the ads on a page. If you have three ads on a page, if someone clicks on any of them then this counts as a click towards you Page CTR. It will also count towards the impression CTR of the ad that was clicked on. Because of this you would always expect a Page CTR to be higher. For example: Your site has 3 ads per page which load every time. In one day you get 1,000 page views 3,000 ad impressions 10 clicks To calculate your CTR, you can use this equation: CTR = Clicks divided by impressions (then multiply the whole thing by 100 to make it into a percentage). In this example your Page CTR is 1% and your Impression CTR is 0.33%. Most of the time, you won't have every ad on a page load for one reason or another so it gets more complicated than this. To work our your own CTR quickly and easily, you can use this handy CTR calculator: CTR Calculator (Click-Through Rate) What is the best CTR to earn good money? A CTR doesn't earn you money directly, as people don't pay based on CTR. If your site has a good CTR then it will likely encourage people to buy more ad space with you however. It will also mean that you are running CPC campaigns efficiently (as in getting the most clicks using the least impressions you can). If you're talking about a good Page CTR for ads on your site, then 1% is a reasonable benchmark - you should try to do better than this. It entirely depends on your niche though I'm afraid - some sites hit 20%, but they are likely very niche sites with ads which are exactly hitting their users needs. Just make sure you optimise your site so that's the ads aren't too annoying (as people will start using ad blockers). This means don't have too many ads, and if you use intrusive formats (like overlays or pop-unders) limit them to 1 per 24 hours. Showing more ads will decrease your users, not increase your CTR. Most people will only click on one ad per page at most, so having lots of ads just means lots of ads don't get clicked on (and your users get annoyed at loading times). Also make sure your site works well on mobile as well as on desktop computers, otherwise your mobile site could really lose you lots of clicks. I hope this helps. ****************************************************** Page CTR is a very Important factor that you may used to calculated what is your site is doing (How it is Performing Here are some of the Factor that You may Receive a High CTR Good Placement of Ads And the relevance of your Content and Your Ads. Here are some of things you need to understand before going to any confusion about the Click Through Rate of Google AdSense. The Very first thing is that if you CTR is coming from People who are real and that they are not repetitive then you don't need to worry about CTR, you may be banned for 1% CTR if it is coming from Robots or from people who just clicking because of you. I see people who has more then 11% of the CTR but still they are happy and don't care about this metric of AdSense, but it need to be real. The Second thing is, your ads must be look different then the content of your site, if you are using Black font color and at the same time you are using Black Font color Link ads, then this is against the violation of AdSense and they may find it and may banned you for 1 Month or in some cases they can terminate your Account. But, if you got a CTR of 10% and a CPC of 0.05 then this is going to be too bad for you. There is a very Famous Website that is Hosted with the free platform and earn a lot of money with a great Placement of AdSense Ads here you may Know about Him The Most Important Factor of Getting a High CPC and a CTR is you account status in Your Google AdSense. If you really want to increase your CPC then you may note that most of the traffic comes from Mobile Sites. For this reason Google AdSense now allow Page Level Ads. Note that: Average CTR ranges from 1% to 5% Average CPC ranges from $0.01 to $20 Thank You.. ****************************************************** If your CTR is too high and your pageviews are too small you'll get your account disabled But if your pageviews are decent and your CTR is good then that's great news for you! Keep up the good work. ****************************************************** Yes, there is When CTR is high, advertisers get paid more and publishers have to pay out more. Google's algorithm can detect when CTRs are higher than the normal average. It can also detect anomalies in CTR; for instance, a .01% CTR that suddenly climbs to 1%. That will definitely raise red flags. Google can detect invalid clicks however, and you won't be paid for those clicks. The algo can tell for example, if the same IP address is clicking an ad multiple times. So if your CTR is abnormally high, check your analytics for bot activity. It's best to stay on the safe side so your account isn't put at risk. If you suspect click fraud against your account, contact Google and let them know by submitting a click fraud report. ****************************************************** No, you are not safe Place some more ads in each page it will decrease impression CTR. Are you clicking your own ads? Don't do that Google will ban your Adsense account (personal experience). ****************************************************** Based on the data available on Alexa and Quantcast, we can estimate Crunchbase to have something like 2 - 3MM users per month, 8 - 15MM pageviews per month, and therefore 16 - 30MM AdSense impressions per month Crunchbase has really good ad placement because the side ad is sticky, meaning it stays in view during scroll. Both ads should have high viewability rates, and I would guess the audience on Crunchbase skews really wealthy, English-speaking and highly educated. Meaning, they should get very good ad rates, probably something like $2.00 - 2.50 CPMs Based on that, we can use all our most conservative and most aggressive assumptions to project these ads to yield somewhere between $32,000 - 75,000 / month, or $380 - 900,000 / year. Pretty great return for putting two tags on a page and hard to walk away from given the extent to which that would defray editorial costs. ****************************************************** Hi, CTR stands for Click Though rate In simple words, it means the number of times an advertisement is clicked divided by the number of times advertisement, ad unit or the page containing advertisement is viewed. It is the percentage of No of clicks on advertisement and number of page views. CTR = Number of clicks / Number of exposures. CTR% = Number of clicks * 100 / # of exposures So in simple words, if you have an ad running and it's seen by 100 people but got only 5 clicks, your CTR is 5%. Point to be noted here is that higher the percentage of CTR, the better advertisement you will get. So it's advisable to place advertisements only at the places which are viewable and can be clicked easily. Now, One of the most common questions is What is Good CTR or I'm getting enough click on my Adsense but my revenue is very low. Thanks ****************************************************** hi Aleksey Weyman, could you define what you mean by click through rate do you want people to click on ads? do you want to click on other posts? ****************************************************** The Page CTR (Click Through Rate) in your Adsense report is the percentage of number of times an ad is clicked on your page, in relation to the number of times a page was shown to a visitor So, for instance, you have 100 pageviews on your website, and there are 2 ads clicked, then you have a CTR of 2% . Or, you have 50 pageviews, and 1 ad clicked. Or 200 pageviews, and 4 ads clicked. I think you see where this is going ;-) So, basically, the higher the number (CTR), the better, because it means you're ads are well clicked, and you are earning your money well. However… there's a but to this story… If your CTR is unreasonably high in relation to your traffic for a certain period of time, Google will think this is suspicious, and might block your account! What the exact number of CTR is that is alarming them is hard to say, since it depends on a lot of factors. For instance, a site that receives 5 visitors a day, and has 3 clicks, has a 60% CTR, which is high, but with reasonable. If you have a 100.000 visitors a day site, and you have 60.000 clicks, that's unreasonably high, and shows there is most likely a problem. More info on Google Adsense stats: How to Understand What Your Google Adsense Report Means - Bjorn's Blog ****************************************************** It really depends, I have seen site with as high as 5–10% ctr which was legitimate traffic , but this is not normally the case However obviously high CTR raises suspicion so I'd certainly check if there's a possibility of false clicks (if a user clicks on an ad and then hits back this sends a notification to adsense), having too much of those can result in either getting banned on getting 2 clicks penalty (on mobile) where user has to actually click twice to be redirected to the landing page One more thing to look into is the possibility of bot traffic, it might be smart to consider captcha on site entry (if this is relevant) or a click bombing attack when a competitor is trying to get your account banned (you can actually report this to google if you suspect there's click bombing - Invalid Clicks Contact Form ) I'd also suggest reviewing Adsense on a per country basis , sometimes the issue is with some 3rd world country whose not bringing significant income and you can block it on the server level or CDN, check also for platform , might be your ads layout on mobile are not set in the right manner ****************************************************** no, Google Ads is for getting people to your site not for google to acknowledge it ****************************************************** It really depends, I have seen site with as high as 5–10% ctr which was legitimate traffic , but this is not normally the case However obviously high CTR raises suspicion so I'd certainly check if there's a possibility of false clicks (if a user clicks on an ad and then hits back this sends a notification to adsense), having too much of those can result in either getting banned on getting 2 clicks penalty (on mobile) where user has to actually click twice to be redirected to the landing page One more thing to look into is the possibility of bot traffic, it might be smart to consider captcha on site entry (if this is relevant) or a click bombing attack when a competitor is trying to get your account banned (you can actually report this to google if you suspect there's click bombing - Invalid Clicks Contact Form ) I'd also suggest reviewing Adsense on a per country basis , sometimes the issue is with some 3rd world country whose not bringing significant income and you can block it on the server level or CDN, check also for platform , might be your ads layout on mobile are not set in the right manner ****************************************************** to get high CTR? interesting banners, moving GIF, just anything to catch people's eye Keep on checking the CTR of each source of traffic and each banner and pause traffic sources and banners with low CTR. Do mind that people behave differently, some campaigns perform better at night, some during the day, you might get higher CTR on the weekend, some during the weekdays. Keep analyzing and optimizing until you get the CTR you want. to get low CTR? do exactly the opposite of what I just write. ****************************************************** If you want to achieve lower CTR you can decrease cost per click for particular keywords or ad group, or second option is to write less relevat ads with weaker call to action This actions should decrease your CTR but if you drecrease you CTR . I can expect lower quality score and this will lead to higher CPC in general. ****************************************************** Are you getting clicks? The most logical place for me to start in answering this question is that if you're not getting any data on the cost per click or click through rate, that this may be because nobody has clicked your ads yet If this is the case, you might want to look at: Your bid strategy - does your current bid strategy make sense for where your campaign is at right now? Your ad rotation - maybe try optimizing for clicks if you're not having any luck with your current settings The amount you're bidding for individual search keywords and placements if you're using a manual CPC bid strategy Whether your ads are getting any impressions Make sure that all of your campaigns, ad groups, and ads are all active, rather than paused. Do the same check for keywords. Make sure your ads have been approved as well. Check the quality score for your ads and the average rank for your campaign. If you're below the first page bid then that would explain why nobody is seeing your ads. If your quality score is low then your ads won't be displayed as often as ads with a higher quality score. If adjusting the bid strategy, ad rotation, and/or bid amounts doesn't fix the problem, then it may be that something about your current ads aren't compelling enough to drive clicks. Try adding some new ad variations in each of your campaigns and see if some fresh ideas get better results. If you aren't getting impressions, even after making all of these changes, then your targeting criteria may be too specific to be effective. You may be targeting keywords that get searched far too little or targeting demographics for a display campaign that are too narrow for anyone to see your ads. Also, make sure that all of your tracking in Adwords and Google Analytics is setup correctly. Be sure that all relevant landing pages have tracking codes on them and that your website's global header contains the Google Analytics UA code. Be sure that you have your billing in your Adwords account sorted as well, if you don't have a card on file or it has expired your ads will be impacted. If you've checked out all of those possible issues and none of them seem to be the culprit, then you've got a bigger problem. There may be a fundamental flaw in your strategy, your understanding of the prospects you're targeting, or some other factor that is causing your current approach to digital marketing to fail. If that's the case then you should consider whether Adwords is a good fit for this brand, or whether another channel, like social media marketing, might get you better results. ****************************************************** CTR(click through rate) is an indicator which indicates that what is the probability of ad click with respect to overall ad impression. It depends on the placement of ads on your web page. It also depends on the content of your web page. CTR = number of click / total number of ad impressions CTR%= (number of click / total number of ad impressions ) * 100 CTR is directly proportional to number of valid clicks . So if you get more clicks then, you will definitely get very good money. Now a days CTR is not much higher because today's internet world all know about the ads . If people see any ad, then they understand that this is a google ad or something like that . And they never click the ads and you get very less CTR. In above condition, CTR varies from 0% to .6% ( this is not a exact value ..but this is an approximation that I have taken based on my experience ) Similarly, the chances of click is also depend on your page content . If your page content is much similar to your google ads, then people are intended to click on your ads . in that case your CTR would be high. In 2 condition CTR may be vary from .6% to 1% . I hope it will help you … thank you ****************************************************** I am blogger and i am running some blogs in different niche I have read so many blogs and heard that CTR ( Click Through Rate) 2% to 3% is good and 3.5 is maximum. But when I was checking my adsense account than i saw 8.49% and i was amazed & feel proud to see it. GUJARAT GOVERNMENT JOB - This is my today's site click through rate. Detergent Powder - Last month it was 5.35% ****************************************************** What is the difference between page CTR and impression CTR? An impression CTR is the click through rate for individual ads Page CTR is the click-through rate for a whole page - this includes all the ads on a page. If you have three ads on a page, if someone clicks on any of them then this counts as a click towards you Page CTR. It will also count towards the impression CTR of the ad that was clicked on. Because of this you would always expect a Page CTR to be higher. For example: Your site has 3 ads per page which load every time. In one day you get 1,000 page views 3,000 ad impressions 10 clicks To calculate your CTR, you can use this equation: CTR = Clicks divided by impressions (then multiply the whole thing by 100 to make it into a percentage). In this example your Page CTR is 1% and your Impression CTR is 0.33%. Most of the time, you won't have every ad on a page load for one reason or another so it gets more complicated than this. To work our your own CTR quickly and easily, you can use this handy CTR calculator: CTR Calculator (Click-Through Rate) What is the best CTR to earn good money? A CTR doesn't earn you money directly, as people don't pay based on CTR. If your site has a good CTR then it will likely encourage people to buy more ad space with you however. It will also mean that you are running CPC campaigns efficiently (as in getting the most clicks using the least impressions you can). If you're talking about a good Page CTR for ads on your site, then 1% is a reasonable benchmark - you should try to do better than this. It entirely depends on your niche though I'm afraid - some sites hit 20%, but they are likely very niche sites with ads which are exactly hitting their users needs. Just make sure you optimise your site so that's the ads aren't too annoying (as people will start using ad blockers). This means don't have too many ads, and if you use intrusive formats (like overlays or pop-unders) limit them to 1 per 24 hours. Showing more ads will decrease your users, not increase your CTR. Most people will only click on one ad per page at most, so having lots of ads just means lots of ads don't get clicked on (and your users get annoyed at loading times). Also make sure your site works well on mobile as well as on desktop computers, otherwise your mobile site could really lose you lots of clicks. I hope this helps. ****************************************************** Page CTR is a very Important factor that you may used to calculated what is your site is doing (How it is Performing Here are some of the Factor that You may Receive a High CTR Good Placement of Ads And the relevance of your Content and Your Ads. Here are some of things you need to understand before going to any confusion about the Click Through Rate of Google AdSense. The Very first thing is that if you CTR is coming from People who are real and that they are not repetitive then you don't need to worry about CTR, you may be banned for 1% CTR if it is coming from Robots or from people who just clicking because of you. I see people who has more then 11% of the CTR but still they are happy and don't care about this metric of AdSense, but it need to be real. The Second thing is, your ads must be look different then the content of your site, if you are using Black font color and at the same time you are using Black Font color Link ads, then this is against the violation of AdSense and they may find it and may banned you for 1 Month or in some cases they can terminate your Account. But, if you got a CTR of 10% and a CPC of 0.05 then this is going to be too bad for you. There is a very Famous Website that is Hosted with the free platform and earn a lot of money with a great Placement of AdSense Ads here you may Know about Him The Most Important Factor of Getting a High CPC and a CTR is you account status in Your Google AdSense. If you really want to increase your CPC then you may note that most of the traffic comes from Mobile Sites. For this reason Google AdSense now allow Page Level Ads. Note that: Average CTR ranges from 1% to 5% Average CPC ranges from $0.01 to $20 Thank You.. ****************************************************** CTR(click through rate) is an indicator which indicates that what is the probability of ad click with respect to overall ad impression. It depends on the placement of ads on your web page. It also depends on the content of your web page. CTR = number of click / total number of ad impressions CTR%= (number of click / total number of ad impressions ) * 100 CTR is directly proportional to number of valid clicks . So if you get more clicks then, you will definitely get very good money. Now a days CTR is not much higher because today's internet world all know about the ads . If people see any ad, then they understand that this is a google ad or something like that . And they never click the ads and you get very less CTR. In above condition, CTR varies from 0% to .6% ( this is not a exact value ..but this is an approximation that I have taken based on my experience ) Similarly, the chances of click is also depend on your page content . If your page content is much similar to your google ads, then people are intended to click on your ads . in that case your CTR would be high. In 2 condition CTR may be vary from .6% to 1% . I hope it will help you … thank you ****************************************************** It really depends on the content, the user engagement and google's ability to put the right ad for the right person If for example its a page reviewing a product and the google is showing this product in the ad - CTR will be great. Other than that, the RPM or the CPC also depend on the subject itself - some things pay better than others as advertisers will bid higher for higher potential income or conversion. Overall this can go from 0.2% to even 10-15%. ****************************************************** It really depends on the content, the user engagement and google's ability to put the right ad for the right person If for example its a page reviewing a product and the google is showing this product in the ad - CTR will be great. Other than that, the RPM or the CPC also depend on the subject itself - some things pay better than others as advertisers will bid higher for higher potential income or conversion. Overall this can go from 0.2% to even 10-15%. ****************************************************** I will be sharing my personal experience The most popular search topic when a new software is released or a new game appears is XXXXX+cracked…So when I first joined adsense one year back,the first thing I searched was 'adsense hacks'.Sure I got a lot of results and I put a few of them into practice.Couldnt test the rest as THEY HAD ALREADY BANNED ME!!! I tried clickbots,clicking group, friend clicks and a lot of other things. The moral I learned was that u can trick Microsoft…yahoo and any bigwigs.But not google.They have really smart engineers who are not graduates from MITs and IITS but from the real black web streets.. So how does google track you— 1.sure ur ipadress. 2.All google products like gmail,calendar,orkut etc leave traces that can track you. Hold your breath and listen—GOOGLE CHECKS WHO ARE YOUR GMAIL AND IF THEIR CLICKS INCREASE BEYOND A LIMIT,GOOGLE FLAGS YOU. 3.I format my system and installs a new xp or vista..still google can detect u.Your lan card and other hardware have a unique fingerprint that google uses. 4.impression and click ratio(Click Through Rate)-IF its abnormally high,google flags you. 5.location of clicks—if from a very small area,google detective sets in. 6.change in behaviour of visitors.For example a visitor with a gmail id XXXXX visits many sites but just clicks ads in one site.Enough for google to track. With these methods and more which google alone knows,trying cheat google is too risky especially as they don't give ur earnings upto that period also.They will return ur hard earned money to the advertisers.. ****************************************************** I will be sharing my personal experience The most popular search topic when a new software is released or a new game appears is XXXXX+cracked…So when I first joined adsense one year back,the first thing I searched was 'adsense hacks'.Sure I got a lot of results and I put a few of them into practice.Couldnt test the rest as THEY HAD ALREADY BANNED ME!!! I tried clickbots,clicking group, friend clicks and a lot of other things. The moral I learned was that u can trick Microsoft…yahoo and any bigwigs.But not google.They have really smart engineers who are not graduates from MITs and IITS but from the real black web streets.. So how does google track you— 1.sure ur ipadress. 2.All google products like gmail,calendar,orkut etc leave traces that can track you. Hold your breath and listen—GOOGLE CHECKS WHO ARE YOUR GMAIL AND IF THEIR CLICKS INCREASE BEYOND A LIMIT,GOOGLE FLAGS YOU. 3.I format my system and installs a new xp or vista..still google can detect u.Your lan card and other hardware have a unique fingerprint that google uses. 4.impression and click ratio(Click Through Rate)-IF its abnormally high,google flags you. 5.location of clicks—if from a very small area,google detective sets in. 6.change in behaviour of visitors.For example a visitor with a gmail id XXXXX visits many sites but just clicks ads in one site.Enough for google to track. With these methods and more which google alone knows,trying cheat google is too risky especially as they don't give ur earnings upto that period also.They will return ur hard earned money to the advertisers.. ****************************************************** of course goku ****************************************************** No , Amazon has it's own publishers network which can be used for monetization of your assets, Build, monetize and grow your digital media business ****************************************************** No , Amazon has it's own publishers network which can be used for monetization of your assets, Build, monetize and grow your digital media business ****************************************************** of course goku ****************************************************** of course goku ******************************************************
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